Trademark Registration
Trademark registration is a reliable trademark protection method.
A registered trademark increases the value of a company and is an efficient marketing tool.
Emerald Consult has vast experience in international trademark registration both based on the existing national registration and from scratch.
As part of trademark registration, our experts will assume the full control over the process, including the following:
consulting sessions regarding any issues, related to trademarks;
- preliminary verification of trademark registration opportunities,
including the identification of the same or similar verbal, graphic, or
combined trademarks in the system bases, and similarities assessment reports
- communication with the owners of the similar trademarks and achieving
agreements in case of arguments;
- preparation of documentation packages (including state duty payment) and
registration application submission;
- process management over the application consideration period, including
the receipt of the confirmation that the application was accepted for
consideration, correspondence with the registrar, receipt of the registration
approval or rejection, etc.;
- registration certificate receipt.
Apart from trademark registration, our experts will assist you in extending a trademark certificate, introducing any amendments to it, or receiving a duplicate certificate.